martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

Falling Down

Fucking 2011. Bad things happened, bad things are still happening, and they will happen again and again.
Just depressive mood, like yesterday, like the whole week before, etc.
Tired to try to make good stuff. Sometimes you have good plans, you lack luck. Nice wordplay. You have people who help and support. I'm really proud to call them friends, but the person who could caress my heart in the coldest winter is gone, gone, gone...
I try to hate you, I try to keep going, try to convince myself that I do not care. I refuse to lie, to hide what I feel, I will fight for the fire that enlights my heart.
But today I'm doubtful, today I only want to give up, to let myself fall prey of my weakness, to sleep and endless sleep without dreams. But I can't sleep, you are there every time I close my eyes and I can't reach your hand, and when I do, I know the glimpse of a smile in my dormant face is a lie, and I wake up only to wish to hold your hand in a dream again.

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