lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

The last tear

Oooooooooooook. That was all... I mean it.
Gotta stop moaning and crying. Tired about that.
Crying once again and again and just feel like grief burning my head, not good stuff.
Wanna know something?
Guess what...

I love you, and I do not regret that, I will never do.
And for that, I will fight!, today, tomorrow, forever, and ever.

You're the reason why my heart stopped beating, you're the reason why it started to beat again. And is beating stronger and faster than ever.

sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011

World Of Fantasy

I'm reaching out to find a reason
To find an answer and relief
I see a world so strange and cold
I see a world of rules and thieves
The day you're born you're under pressure
Your life is well prepared my friend
They surely teach you what to think how to behave until the end

All I ever wanted is a little piece of life
In a world where I decide things on my own
All I ever needed is a little piece of hope
And then things are gonna turn the other way

I'm living in a world of fantasy
Reality ain't good enough for me
And all that I can feel is nothing but sobriety

I'm living in a world of fantasy
Reality ain't meant or made for me
All that I see is so unreal

And once you're old enough they teach you
Not to be wishful not to care
About the plan that's been already made for you by other hands
But when you fail there's no one out there
To take your hand to catch your tears
The whole construction we have built leaves no such room for blinding fears

I wonder I wonder if I can handle it all
I wonder I wonder if I can carry the weight of the world

viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

Falling Down

Fucking 2011. Bad things happened, bad things are still happening, and they will happen again and again.
Just depressive mood, like yesterday, like the whole week before, etc.
Tired to try to make good stuff. Sometimes you have good plans, you lack luck. Nice wordplay. You have people who help and support. I'm really proud to call them friends, but the person who could caress my heart in the coldest winter is gone, gone, gone...
I try to hate you, I try to keep going, try to convince myself that I do not care. I refuse to lie, to hide what I feel, I will fight for the fire that enlights my heart.
But today I'm doubtful, today I only want to give up, to let myself fall prey of my weakness, to sleep and endless sleep without dreams. But I can't sleep, you are there every time I close my eyes and I can't reach your hand, and when I do, I know the glimpse of a smile in my dormant face is a lie, and I wake up only to wish to hold your hand in a dream again.

domingo, 20 de marzo de 2011

Caos y Orden

A veces nos ponemos a pensar en lo que forma parte de nuestras vidas, o para decirlo mas simple, lo que tenemos o no. Ya sea a nivel material, espiritual u afectivo siempre estamos mirando eso.
Lo peor es ver a la gente llevarse las cosas de arriba, casi sin esfuerzo, viendo como uno mismo parece ponerle el pecho a las balas para simplemente quedarse con el gusto de haber hecho un buen trabajo y decir "puedo hacerlo". Si, eso vale, pero siempre buscamos más.
Tenemos todo para perder y nada para ganar. Tremendo negocio. Con suerte tenés algo para ganar.
Estoy podrido de quedarme con el vuelto que me da la vida, que los que tienen las cosas faciles y de arriba se chupen un orto, infelices sin sangre y pasión, prefiero estar en la mugre infinita.
Es hora de hacer que las cosas pasen.

martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

En Esta Noche...

...recuerdo el brillo de tus ojos, el tacto de tu piel, el calor de tu cuerpo, el sabor de tus labios y el susurro de tu amor... en esta y todas las noches...

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

Day After Day

Hmmm, a veces pienso que no preciso ir al Tibet para entrenarme en mi paz interior.
Es mas, no tengo paz, porque no me ha interesado, pero, retener el conflicto en mi mente y no explotar en una nube de improperios, golpes y agresiones es un buen comienzo.
Pero bueno, durará, no durará. Voy a dejarlo a la suerte.
Me voy a dormir con un sarcasmo y cinismo de la concha de la madre. Otra vez estoy viendo que alguien tiene sombras extra.
Pero esta vez, solo voy a mirar, al menos la mayor parte del tiempo.